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Screenshot iz igrice./Screenshot from the game.

Opis igrice:

Cilj ove igrice je da proširi svjest o važnosti i regularnoj praksi sakupljanja i recikliranja otpada među mlađom generacijom.
Jedna od glavnih inspiracija iza ove igrice je direktiva Europske Unije usmjerena na reciklažu plastike.
Direktiva je usvojena 5. juna 2019. godine i proizvođači imaju do decembra 2024. godine.
Količina zagađenja koju plastični otpad uzrokuje je vrlo evidentna i zabrinjavajuća.
Prema Europskoj komisiji 80% otpada pronađenog u okeanu je plastika.
Plastični otpad se ne razgrađuje kao normalni otpad. Razgradnja plstike može traje stotinama godina.
Sva ta plastika završi u okeanima,do 8 tona godišnje, prema nekim izvorima.
Ako ne budemo reciklirali, imat ćemo više plastike nego ribe nego u našim okeanima do 2050. Zato moramo raditi na očuvanju Majke Prirode. Djeca budućnosti ne žele da Sunce izlazi iza brda otpada.
Zato morate pomoći DKWizardu u njegovoj pustolovini da sakupi otpad i donese bolje i zelenije sutra!
Pored komada otpada koji se moraju sakupiti, ova igra također sadrži vanzemaljce koji će vas pokušati zaustaviti u vašem nesebičnom poduhvatu.

Game description:

This game's goal is to spread awareness about the importance and regular practice of collecting and recycling waste through the younger generation. One of the main inspirations behind this game was the European Union's directive aimed towards recycling plastic. The directive was passed into legislation on the fifth of June 2019 and manufactures have until December 2024 to adjust their products. The amount of pollution that plastic waste causes is very evident and concerning. According to the European Commission 80% of waste found in the ocean is plastic. Plastic waste doesn't decompose like normal waste, it can take hundreds of years for plastic waste to decompose. All that waste ends up in oceans, up to 8 tons a year, according to some sources. If we don't recycle, we will have more plastic waste than fish by 2050. That is why we must work on preserving Mother Nature. The children of the future don't want the Sun to be coming out behind a hill made of waste. That is why you must assist DKWizard in his quest to collect waste and bring forth a better and greener tomorrow! Besides pieces of waste that need to be collected, this game also features aliens that will try to stop you in your selfless endeavor.

You can get the game on Itch.io (for Windows only):
The game is also available on Google Play: